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Automations to create a data repository task or a backup for file systems.

Using Site24x7's IT automation framework, you can create an action profile to back up your file systems or to create a data repository task. You can also configure the automation to be triggered when there is a change in the status of the monitor or individual attributes.

Required Permissions

Please make sure the IAM role assumed by Site24x7, or the IAM user created for Site24x7, has the following partial write actions in the attached policy document, so it can perform the actions.

  • fsx:CreateDataRepositoryTask
  • fsx:CreateBackup


  • To create a backup or data repository task, the file system must be monitored by Site24x7, and the status must be AVAILABLE.

Create an action profile

  1. Log in to the Site24x7 web console, then select Admin > IT Automation Templates(+) > Add Automation Templates.
  2. Click the drop-down next to Type, and select Amazon FSx Actions.
  3. Enter a display name.
  4. Next, select the action to be performed from the drop-down: Create Backup for File System/Create Data Repository Task. When you want to automate the creation of backups for file systems, you can also specify tags for that particular backup in a template form. Then, choose the action to be performed.
  5. Next, select the destination file systems where the action has to be performed.
  6. If you require a completion report while creating a data repository task, toggle to yes, and specify the report path.
  7. Enter the Max Allowed Action Execution Time. This is the maximum number of seconds Site24x7 will wait before the request times out. By default, the execution time is set to 15 seconds. You can define an execution time between one and 90 seconds.
  8. If you’d like to receive an email regarding the automation result, select Yes next to Send the Automation Result via Email. Share automation results via an email to your User Alert Group configured in the Notification Profile. This email will contain parameters including the automation name, type of automation, incident reason, destination hosts, and more.
  9. Save the profile.

Simulate the Automation

Before mapping the action profile, you can test how it functions by invoking the operational task manually within the Site24x7 console or by using our REST APIs to check whether the appropriate write-level permission is in place. To test, navigate back to the IT Automation summary page [Admin > IT Automation Templates(+)] and click the play icon to execute a dry run.

Map the Action Profile

To execute the automation, map the action profile to the desired alert event. You can either map the profile to a predefined monitor-level event type or to a custom attribute-level event type.

Monitor-level mapping

Navigate to the IT Automation Templates section in the Edit page of the monitored Amazon FSx file system. Map the action profile with any of the following monitor status changes:

  • Execute on Down
  • Execute on Up
  • Execute on Trouble
  • Execute on Critical
  • Execute on any Status change

Attribute level mapping

You can also associate the action profile with a related performance metric, like free storage capacity, total throughput, or total IOPS. Navigate to the Edit Threshold Profile page of the monitored Amazon FSx file system by going to the Edit page of the resource, clicking on the pencil icon beside the Threshold and Availability field. Map the profile to any desired attribute by clicking Select Automation to Execute.

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