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Global Monitoring Locations

You might not be able to fine-tune the performance of your website unless you can ascertain the uptime when accessed from different locations. A complete picture of your end-user experience can be arrived at only when you monitor it from across the globe.

Site24x7 supports monitoring services from 130 geographical locations by partnering with leading hosting providers. In addition to these monitoring locations, Site24x7 uses On-Premise Poller software as a location to monitor internal networks. This includes monitoring resources behind firewalls and in private clouds.

Not just that, Site24x7 also gives you insight into the performance of mobile websites, apps, custom APIs and other online services via wireless carriers (3G, 4G, and 5G) and enterprise WiFi networks using a real mobile device. Additionally, Site24x7 offers real user monitoring (RUM) for your websites and applications from any browser or mobile device. With RUM, this data is collected from real human users in real time.

Now using these global monitoring locations, Site24x7 notifies you about your website's status by monitoring from the configured primary and secondary locations. The primary location is the main location from which the registered monitors are polled according to the set poll interval. If a monitor is detected as Down in the primary location, Site24x7's servers check from the selected secondary locations and notify you of any downtime.

Site24x7 global monitoring workflow

For example, when a website is Down at, say L1 (the primary location), Site24x7 will check from L2 and L3 (the secondary locations) as configured by the user, sending notifications only when the website is detected as Down at all the locations. Additionally, Site24x7 does a recheck of the website's uptime from two other random locations and takes a screenshot using a real browser, thus nullifying the issue of false positive alerts. Also, the user can install the On-Premise Poller and use it as a geographical location (L4) that is not supported by Site24x7. 

When your website is Down at any location, you can analyze it using the root cause analysis (RCA) reports, which can be generated when monitors are Down at a specific location. An RCA report provides a detailed analysis of the downtime instance and includes a Network Route Map based on My Traceroute. 

This map offers deep visibility into critical network paths, regardless of the node's location, such as on premises, in the cloud, or in a hybrid IT environment. It is automatically generated as part of your monitor's status as Down or Trouble in the RCA report during an outage. The map helps you identify network slowdowns, troubleshoot hotspots across your entire delivery chain, and resolve issues. Additionally, the Poll Now report allows you to analyze your monitors' network paths using the trace routes from the configured locations.

With the RUM integration with your monitors, you can get the Apdex score to measure the satisfaction of users using your application from a different location. This helps you understand how your application is performing based on users’ perspectives. Additionally, you can integrate a website monitor with RUM to obtain additional metrics in order to assess the impact of an outage or identify the regions affected by it. This integration is only available if you have set up website monitoring and RUM for the same URL.

Follow this community post to find out about any new updates to our global monitoring locations and IP addresses.

Want to know how the Availability and Response Times are calculated in Site24x7 Reports? Read now!

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