Help Docs

Alert Logs

Access Alert Logs

You can access a detailed log of all the alerts sent from your Site24x7 account. You can generate a report by filtering the alerting mode and specifying the date range. The Alert logs will provide data such as to whom the alert was sent, time at which the alert was triggered, alerting mode, and the outage reason. You can export the alert log as a CSV file and share it with your customers.


The Alert Logs page can be accessed only by Super Admins or Admins with access permission to all monitors.

To generate the Alert logs, follow the steps listed below:

  1. Click Admin > Operation > Alert Logs.
  2. Select the report date from the menu.
  3. Various alerts which were sent till date will be shown.
  4. You can also choose to filter alert logs by "Mode" or "Sent to".
  5. Enter SMS, Email, Chat or Voice for Mode and type the appropriate details for "Sent to" to filter the displayed alert logs.
  6. You can view the Alert Logs in Home > Alert Logs.

    Even while the Alerts are muted in Alarms View, you can still view the alerts listed in the Alert Logs and also find the exact reason for the alerts. Site24x7 records alert logs of past 180 days.

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