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Performance metrics of a VMware VeloCloud SD-WAN monitor

View detailed performance metrics for your VMWare VeloCloud SD-WAN monitor including details about the customer accounts and edges within it. Learn how to add a VMware VeloCloud SD-WAN monitor, set thresholds, and get alerts when configured values exceed thresholds.

To view the performance metrics of a VMware VeloCloud SD-WAN monitor:

  1. Log in to your Site24x7 account. 
  2. Navigate to SDN > VeloCloud > VeloCloud SD-WAN. Then, click the required monitor. 
  3. Navigate to the Customers or Edges tab to view the respective metrics. Alternatively, you can navigate to VeloCloud SD-WAN tab and select a monitor. Then, click Customers or Edges tab as needed. 

VMware VeloCloud SD-WAN metrics 

Name Description
Availability The availability of the SD-WAN (measured as a percentage). Clicking the number displays the Availability Summary report.
Downtimes The number of times the SD-WAN has experienced downtime.
Response Time The current response time of the SD-WAN monitor (measured in milliseconds).
Orchestrator Details General details of the orchestrator, including Orchestrator URL, Version, Build Number, and API Version.

VMware VeloCloud Customer metrics 

Name Description
Availability The availability of the customer account (measured as a percentage). Clicking the number displays the Availability Summary report.
Downtimes The number of times the customer account has experienced downtime.
Response Time The current response time of the customer account (measured in milliseconds).
Connected Edges The number of edges connected to the customer account.
Degraded Edges The number of degraded edges.
Down Edges The number of down edges.
Active Edges The number of active edges.
Stable Links The number of stable links.
Unstable Links The number of unstable links.
Down Links The number of down links.
Active Links The number of active links.
Customer Details General details of the customer, including Customer ID, Logical ID, Account Number, Network ID, Gateway Pool ID, and Domain.
Contact Details General details of the contact, including Contact Name, Phone Number, Mobile Number, E-Mail, Street Address, Street Address, City, State, ZIP/Postal Code, Country, Latitude, and Longitude.

VMware VeloCloud Edge metrics 

Name Description
Availability The availability of the edge (measured as a percentage). Clicking the number displays the Availability Summary report.
Downtimes The number of times the customer account has experienced downtime.
CPU Utilization The CPU utilized by the device (measured as a percentage).
Memory Utilization The memory utilized by the device (measured as a percentage).
CPU Core Temperature The temperature of the device's CPU (measured in Celsius).
Flow Count The number of traffic flows.
Tunnel Count (IPv4) The number of tunnel sessions for the IPv4 address.
Tunnel Count (IPv6) The number of tunnel sessions for the IPv6 address.
Handoff Queue Drops The number of packets dropped due to over-usage of the Edge resource.
Link metrics
Bytes Received A measure of bytes received in the link. Click the number to view the Attribute report.
Bytes Sent A measure of bytes sent via the link. Click the number to view the Attribute report.
Total Bytes Total bytes received and sent through the link. Click the number to view the Attribute report.
Packets Received Number of packets received in the link. Click the number to view the Attribute report.
Packets Sent Number of packets sent via the link. Click the number to view the Attribute report.
Total Packets Total number of packets sent via the link. Click the number to view the Attribute report.
Status The status of the link. Click the icon to view the Availability Summary report.
Link Mode The mode of the WAN link. Possible values include ACTIVE, BACKUP, or HOT STANDBY.
Link State The state of the WAN link. Possible values include UNKNOWN, STABLE, UNSTABLE, and DOWN.
Link VPN State The status of the VPN link.
Link Backup State The status of the backup link. It is ACTIVE when there is no active link present. Possible values include UNCONFIGURED, ACTIVE, etc.
IPv4 The IPv4 address of the link.
IPv6 The IPv6 address of the link.
Bytes Received The total bytes received in the link
Bytes Sent The total bytes sent from the link
Total Bytes The total bytes trasferred through the link
Bandwidth Upstream The rate at which data is sent.
Bandwidth Downstream The rate at which data is received.
Jitter Upstream The variation in latency of packets over a path from the source to the destination (measured in milliseconds). It is simply the inter-packet delay variance.
Jitter Downstream The variation in latency of packets over a call path from the destination back to the source (measured in milliseconds).
Latency Upstream Any delay in the data transfer that takes place in the communication from the source to the destination (measured in milliseconds).
Latency Downstream Any delay in the data transfer that takes place in the communication from the destination to the source (measured in milliseconds).
Packet Loss Upstream The percentage of packets dropped in the call path from the source to the destination.
Packet Loss Downstream The percentage of packets dropped in the call path from the destination to the source.
Average Throughput Upstream The average rate at which data moves from the link.
Average Throughput Downstream The average rate at which data moves to the link.
Action Click the hamburger icon to open the Edit Child Threshold pop-up. Make the necessary changes and click Save to save the threshold settings for the link.

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