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Kubernetes Forecasting

Make data-based, informed decisions and identify anomalies in your Kubernetes resources with the help of accurate predictions and insights brought by AIOps.

By setting customized thresholds, you can focus on relevant metrics and receive alerts if the predicted metric breaches the limit. You can see your forecast data represented in the translucent section in the area charts or as a dotted line in the line graphs.

Site24x7 provides forecast data for crucial metrics like CPU usage and utilization and memory usage and utilization at all three levels: nodes, pods, and clusters. Here are all the crucial metrics we offer. 

Metric name Description
CPU Usage The amount of CPU used. 
CPU Utilization The percentage of CPU utilized by the node.
Memory Usage The amount of memory used.
Memory Utilization The percentage of memory utilized by the node.
Disk Usage The amount of disk used.
Disk Utilization The percentage of disk utilized by the node.
CPU Usage The amount of CPU used. 
CPU Utilization The percentage of CPU utilized by the pod.
Memory Usage The amount of memory used.
Memory Utilization The percentage of memory utilized by the pod.
Network Transmitted The amount of network transmitted.
Network Received The amount of network received.
Network Tx Errors The number of network transmission errors.
Network Rx Errors The number of network reception errors.
CPU Utilization The percentage of CPU utilized by the cluster.
Memory Utilization The percentage of memory utilized by the cluster.
Pod Count The total number of pods reserved for the cluster.
Disk Utilization The percentage of disk utilized by the cluster.
Nodes The total number of nodes running in the cluster.
Pods The total number of pods running in the cluster.
Services The total number of services running in the cluster.
Deployments The total number of deployments running in the cluster.
DaemonSets The total number of daemonsets running in the cluster.
ReplicaSets The total number of replicasets running in the cluster.
Running Pods The total number of pods currently running in the cluster.

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