Help Admin Adding a monitor Bulk Installation of Linux agent using SaltStack

Bulk Installation of Linux agent using SaltStack

Unattended installation of the linux agent can be performed using SaltStack by following these steps:

SaltStack can be download from the following link: 

  1. Ensure you have salt-master and salt-minion set up in your infrastructure.
  2. Download the in your salt-master
  3. Copy the following files from the zip:
    a.Copy the file pillar/site24x7.sls to your pillar home directory [ /srv/pillar/ for most users ]. If pillar directory is not there, create it and also add a corresponding entry for pillars in /etc/salt/master.
    b.Copy the files states/install.sls, states/uninstall.sls and states/status.sls into your salt state home directory [/srv/salt/ for most users ]. If salt state directory is not there, create it and also add a corresponding entry for salts in /etc/salt/master.
  4. Make the following changes :
    a.Edit your salt state top.sls file [ /srv/salt/top.sls ]. Add "- install" , "- status" , " -uninstall" entries under your required environment.
    b.Edit your pillar top.sls file [ /srv/pillar/top.sls]. Add "- site24x7" entry under your required environment.
    c.Edit the /srv/pillar/site24x7.sls file. Replace the apikey with the actual device key obtained from our portal. Replace proxy values if required in the proxy field (Type "None" if no proxy is required)
  5. Now your setup is complete and you can exectue the below sample commands :
    a.To bulk install our agent in all minions : sudo salt '*' state.sls install 
    b.To bulk uninstall our agent in all minions : sudo salt '*' state.sls uninstall 
    c.To find out agent status in all minions : sudo salt '*' state.sls status

This will ensure automatic installation of the agent in your server.

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Help Admin Adding a monitor Bulk Installation of Linux agent using SaltStack