Website Management | North America

Key Findings

Average number of domains #

34% of respondents reported that they manage less than five domains.

The average number of website domains managed - North America

DNS Services #

37% of the respondents reported that they run their DNS servers, closely followed by Amazon Route 53 (33%).

DNS services used - North America

Website hosting issues #

60% of respondents reported slow-loading pages as the primary issues faced during website hosting, closely followed by renewing SSL certificates/domains (56%).

Website hosting issues faced - North America

Importance of website monitoring #

Improving page load performance, ensuring regional availability, and managing user experience received an equal number of responses.

Why do organizations use a website monitoring solution? - North America

Infrastructure Management | North America

Key Findings

Infrastructure provisioning #

51% of respondents reported scripts as the preferred way of provisioning infrastructure, closely followed by infrastructure as code (IaC) tools and CLI commands (44%).

How are organizations provisioning their infrastructure? -  North America

Container orchestration services #

52% of respondents reported Kubernetes as the container service used in production, followed by AWS ECS/EKS (46%) and Docker Enterprise (43%).

Container and orchestration services used in production - North America

Container technology adoption #

Developer productivity improvements and infrastructure cost savings are both (75%) the primary reasons for adopting container technology.

Primary reasons for adopting container technology - North America

Containerization challenges #

65% of respondents reported setting up operational configurations as the primary challenge of containerization, followed by setting up infrastructure (51%).

Containerization challenges - North America

Patch Management #

52% of respondents reported that they apply updates to the software every month using an automated patch management tool.

State of patch management - North America

Data backup techniques #

57% of respondents reported storing copies of data on multiple data centers. 41% said they use a third-party solution for scheduling and automating backups.

Data backup strategies - North America

Application Management | North America

Key Findings

Version control software #

48% of respondents use GitHub as version control, with more than 37% using Bitbucket.

Tools used for version control - North America

performance issues in production #

78% of respondents reported performance bottleneck as the major issue faced in production applications, followed by functionality breakages (59%).

Major production issues faced - North America

Ensuring app performance #

58% of the respondents reported identifying infrastructure bottlenecks as the top method to ensure consistent application performance, closely followed by monitoring end-user experience (56%).

How are organizations ensuring consistent application performance? - North America

Managing breaking changes #

73% of respondents reported production monitoring as the best method to manage breaking changes, closely followed by manual testing (70%).

How are organizations managing breaking changes? - North America

IT Ops Management | North America

Key Findings

Data center challenges #

56% of respondents reported reducing operating costs as the top challenge faced in data center management, followed by real-time monitoring (45%) and capacity planning (44%).

Data center management challenges - North America

Data center outages #

50% of respondents reported server crashes as the top reason for data center outage, followed by WAN issues (45%) and database issues (44%).

Primary reasons for data center outages - North America

Common WAN issues #

Network reliability issues and ISP connectivity problems are both (55%) the top WAN issues faced.

Common WAN issues - North America

Improvement areas #

50% of the respondents reported application troubleshooting as an area of improvement, closely followed by visualization (45%), incident management (43%), and infrastructure uptime (40%).

What are some of the areas related to IT operations that organizations want to improve? - North America

Impact of AIOps #

70% of the respondents reported anomaly detection as the main benefit of AIOps, followed by identifying the root cause (66%) and reducing alarm noise (64%).

How AI/ML can help improve IT operations? - North America

Monitoring expectations #

90% of the respondents reported genuine alerts as the chief expectation of a monitoring tool, followed by dashboards and reports for troubleshooting and end-to-end monitoring capabilities (71%).

IT monitoring tool expectations - North America

Average no of monitoring tools

34% of respondents reported they use three monitoring tools.

The average number of monitoring tools used - North America