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Gratis værktøj til minimering af JSON-kode for at reducere størrelse og overføre mindre data. Du kan kopiere den minimerede kode og bruge den i din kildekode.

Bemærk: Konverter den anden vej med JSON-forbedring.

How to use JSON Minifier

JSON Minifier is a tool that takes JSON code and removes unwanted characters, such as white space and line breaks, making it compact without altering the structure.

Follow these simple steps to minify JSON code:

  • Copy the JSON code that needs to be minified and paste it in the input area of the JSON Minifier tool.
  • Click the Minify button to initiate the process.
  • The tool will display the minified code in the output area. You can now copy the minified code to use in your documentation or application.

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