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Tactically monitor all crucial metrics during the COVID-19 pandemic lock down

During these testing times, as everyone is operating from home, we’re trying to ensure complete remote support for our customer's queries, drive product webinars, and all our data centers and 110+ locations are functioning optimally.

As we navigate through this together, we'd like to get feedback from our customers around what are the critical metrics you would consider monitoring in the current business scenario. This information will help us analyze and develop them so that we can provide them exclusively as a plugin or include them in our existing monitor setup.

You can reply to this thread and notify us of the metrics information, and we would analyze and take it forward.

Stay indoors, stay safe. 




Product Manager


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This is going to be more important than ever.


Ideally a Dashboard which culminates all the metrics and just gives a simple health dashboard which can be drilled down to find if any issue and root cause.

I think Network mornitoring has been a long wait, if this can be fast tracked, we can manage the entire Infrastructure remotely. Since WFH requires VPN, monitoring links and its other parameters like bandwidth, latency and jitter will be a very good addition.

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Hi Chandresh,
Thank you for the response.

Have you tried creating a NOC view on the custom dashboard where you can choose to view the metrics of your choice?
Or the network health dashboard to view top devices and interfaces?

There are also other features like Layer 2 maps and SNMP traps. Would you like to give them a try?

For monitoring VPN, we track performance metrics like sessions, latency, tunnel flaps, SSL logins, and more. You can also add more metrics using custom SNMP monitoring. What else would you like to add to our VPN monitoring portfolio?

We welcome your suggestions.



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