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Signals - Impact of IP whitelsting on links within notification emails


We are looking at using IP whitelisting on our Signals status page in order to control authentication on the front end (making it a private page). The question is what happens when we do this to the notifications that go out for outages? Will the link used in the notification be customizable or will it still use a direct link to the notification? If it uses the direct link, won't the request be blocked? In that case, can we configure the email to use our public link that will force the user to go through our proxy (which will be whitelisted)?

Additionally, there is an option to "Force redirect to HTTPS based custom domain". Does that do what I want above? Can it redirect to a non site24x7.com domain? I don't see that option when you throw the switch.




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I assume you are talking about incident & status page links we use in subscriber notifications emails. Yes, the links sent in these emails also IP restricted.
So those links will not be accessible from other IPs that are not part of your whitelisted IP range.

Sorry, we do not have any such option to customize page/incident links sent in emails.


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