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Inform webhooks of monitor status after ending of maintenance window

We have noticed that when a monitor agent goes into trouble this will send the trouble status to the webhooks, if then the monitor agent goes into maintenance mode and during this maintenance mode the agent goes healthy again the webhooks are not notified of the event after the maintenance window ends.
So for example:

agent goes into trouble -> send trouble status to webhooks -> external system has status trouble for this instance
agent goes into maintenance windows -> no webhooks are triggered (correct behaviour) -> external system still has status trouble (so far so good)
agent goes healthy during maintenance window -> no webhooks are triggered (still correct behaviour because of maintenance window) -> external system still has status trouble (not an issue here because of active maintenance window)
agent maintenance window ends and is still healthy -> no webhooks are triggered (would like to notify webhooks here of new status healthy) -> external system still has status trouble (issue because the status is healthy but external system is not notified)

Trigger webhooks when status after maintenance is different from status before maintenance.

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Replies (4)

Dear Michiel,

      We had taken note of this request but I missed to update here. We don't store the previous status when maintenance starts. Its a valid request and we have added it to our backlog. we havn't set any timeline for this at the moment. But once this case is taken we will notify here.  




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Hi Jasper,

What is the status on this one? It has been a while now :)


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Dear Tom,

   We are taking this feature up based on your request. We will update once we have released it.

Just to note, We will send Up alert to third party integrations once the maintenance windows is complete and based on the current status of the monitor. 


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Thanks Jasper! Can you make sure it works the other way around as well: monitor is up before maintenance, goes down during maintenance, comes out of maintenance still in down state => send alert!

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