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Out of the wide range of available cloud architectures, serverless computing offers top-tier efficiency and optimization.
In serverless computing, trigger events execute the key code, so you don’t have to manage the underlying server infrastructure. When an event is triggered, the microservice code runs, performs the related task, and then halts. If no event is triggered, depending on your chosen cloud cost plan, the cost is reduced or eliminated.
Compared to monolithic applications running on bulky and costly physical or virtual servers, a serverless and microservices architecture significantly reduces costs while enhancing application performance.
Prominent serverless cloud solutions include Lambda in Amazon AWS, Cloud Functions in Google GCP, and Azure Functions in Microsoft Azure. This article focuses on Azure Functions, a compelling choice to build serverless applications, especially for .NET Core.
Using a functions-based solution like Azure Functions, you can build applications by connecting various functions with other components. For example, Functions can communicate directly with database services, storage solutions, and other web-based and API-based services. Serverless platforms automatically handle the microservice’s scaling, resource allocation, and performance tuning. Therefore, with Azure Functions, you don’t have to manually manage the underlying infrastructure components, so you can focus on writing code.
This tutorial demonstrates how to develop an Azure Function using .NET within Visual Studio Code. The Function you’ll create adds a watermark to an uploaded image file in Azure Blob Storage, saving the outcome as a new image file. You’ll also learn how to publish the code to Azure Functions and execute it as a cloud application.
To follow this tutorial, you need:
Additionally, you need administrative or contributor access to an Azure subscription to set up the Azure Storage Account and the Azure Function. (Note: If you’re not using an Azure Free subscription, expect a cost between $1 and $5 for the Azure Resources). Here are the necessary steps:
If you’re a NET C# developer, Azure Functions offer several advantages:
With robust support for the .NET Core framework in Azure Functions, serverless computing is an excellent choice to create scalable, cost-efficient, and event-driven serverless applications.
The application you’ll build does the following:
The graphic below illustrates the entire process:
Since this scenario uses the Blob Trigger Azure Function type, it runs each time you upload a new image to the Blob Storage source container.
This setup is ideal for an Azure Functions serverless architecture. Azure Functions will automatically scale and process each image file with minimal Azure consumption, regardless of how many you upload. If no images are uploaded, the Function won’t consume any Azure compute resources—this would not be the case if you were using an Azure App Service Plan or running the process within an Azure Virtual Machine.
To set up Azure Functions, first, you need to install Azure Functions Core Tools.
For Windows, download the Azure Functions Core Tools MSI-installer package and run the installation.
For macOS, the easiest method is to use Homebrew. Run the following commands in the CLI:
brew tap azure/functions
brew install azure-functions-core-tools@4
For Linux machines running Ubuntu, execute these apt-based commands:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install azure-functions-core-tools-4
For other distributions on Linux, download the installation zip package from the Azure Functions Core Tools GitHub repo. Run the installation as per the README details for your distribution.
Next, create a new folder on your local development workstation to hold the Azure Functions source code. Navigate to it:
mkdir watermark
cd watermark
Within this subfolder, run the following command to create a new Azure Functions project locally:
func init WatermarkFunction --worker-runtime dotnet-isolated --target-framework net6.0
In the command above:
After running this command, you should receive a response similar to this:
In the same directory, type dir or ls to list the contents of the WatermarkFunction subfolder:
This command generates all the files required to develop the actual Azure Function. The most important files include:
You’ve now created the Azure Function project. In the next step, you’ll add the Function code to the Program.cs file and update settings in the local.settings.json
First, open the Azure Function project folder in Visual Studio Code to edit, test, and debug the template files easily.
Specify the necessary NuGet packages your Function will use, similar to a traditional .NET application. Open the watermarkfunction.csproj
file and look for the <ItemGroup>
containing the <PackageReference>
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker" Version="1.19.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker.Sdk" Version="1.14.0" />
Add the following line after the Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker.Sdk package reference:
<PackageReference Include="SkiaSharp" Version="2.88.0" />
This line injects the SkiaSharp image NuGet package into the Function at runtime. SkiaSharp is a Microsoft-recommended package for handling images for .NET applications, although other similar NuGet packages may be available.
The rest of the information from this Project file can remain the same. It specifies the net6.0 framework in the <TargetFramework>
property and the latest version of Azure Functions (v4) in the <AzureFunctionsVersion>
The complete watermarkfunction.csproj should now look like this:
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.Storage" Version="4.0.5" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Functions" Version="4.2.0" />
<PackageReference Include="SkiaSharp" Version="2.88.0" />
<None Update="host.json">
<None Update="local.settings.json">
Save the changed file.
Next, open Program.cs
, which holds all the C# code for the Azure Function. Copy the following code snippet in full:
using System;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using SkiaSharp;
public static class AddWatermarkToImageFunction
{ [FunctionName("AddWatermarkToImage")]
public static void Run(
[BlobTrigger("input/{name}", Connection = "AzureWebJobsStorage")] Stream imageStream,
[Blob("output/{name}", FileAccess.Write)] Stream outputImageStream,
string name,
ILogger log)
log.LogInformation($"C# Blob trigger function processed image: {name}");
using (var inputStream = new SKManagedStream(imageStream))
using (var image = SKBitmap.Decode(inputStream))
// Create a surface and canvas to draw on
using (var surface = SKSurface.Create(new SKImageInfo(image.Width, image.Height)))
using (var canvas = surface.Canvas)
// Draw the original image onto the canvas
canvas.DrawBitmap(image, 0, 0);
// Define the watermark text and paint
string watermarkText = "Your Watermark Text";
SKPaint paint = new SKPaint
Color = SKColors.White, // Change color as needed
TextSize = 36,
TextAlign = SKTextAlign.Center,
// Calculate the position to center the watermark
float x = image.Width / 2;
float y = (image.Height + paint.TextSize) / 2;
// Add the watermark to the image
canvas.DrawText(watermarkText, x, y, paint);
// Encode the canvas to a JPEG image
using (var imageEncoded = surface.Snapshot().Encode())
log.LogInformation($"Watermark added to image: {name}");
catch (Exception ex)
log.LogError($"Error adding watermark to image {name}: {ex.Message}");
The following section explains this code.
These statements include:
using System;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using SkiaSharp;
The first few lines at the top of the Program.cs file specify the NuGet Packages that the application uses.
The System
packages come by default. Azure Functions require the Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs
and Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
packages. The WebJobs class holds the methods that Azure Functions can use as triggers, whereas Logging offers logging functionality. SkiSharp
refers to the NuGet Package you previously added to the csproj
The definition includes:
[BlobTrigger("input/{name}", Connection = "AzureWebJobsStorage")] Stream imageStream,
[Blob("output/{name}", FileAccess.Write)] Stream outputImageStream,
string name,
ILogger log)
log.LogInformation($"C# Blob trigger function processed image: {name}");
The BlobTrigger keyword indicates that you’re using the Azure Functions Blob Trigger and defines the path to the Blob used as input for the function. You pick up the Connection parameter from the local.settings.json, which contains the Azure Storage Account connection string details. Next, you call the class Stream, which holds the image file in memory. Finally, you declare the Blob attribute as output, writing the content of the Stream object to a new file and saving it in the /output
blob container.
This code element includes:
using (var inputStream = new SKManagedStream(imageStream))
using (var image = SKBitmap.Decode(inputStream))
log.LogInformation($"Watermark added to image: {name}");
catch (Exception ex)
The code above adds the watermark to the image file. It contains some descriptive text to help you understand what each section is doing.
A new variable, inputStream, is created using the object SKManagedStream and imageStream as parameters. SkiaSharp processes this object’s width and height, turning it into a canvas.
Next, a watermarkText text string is defined. It contains some text strings and additional parameters specifying the font color, size, and alignment.
The float x
and float y
values determine the center point of the canvas.
Finally, a new image snapshot object, imageEncoded, is created and saved to the outputImageStream object, resulting in a new image file stored in the blob output container.
Now, it’s time to create the Azure Storage Account in the Azure CLI. From your local machine’s command prompt or Terminal window, authenticate to Azure:
az login
You should see the message below indicating that the browser authentication page has opened:
Log in with your Azure administrative credentials and wait for the browser prompt to confirm a successful login:
From the same terminal window, execute the following Azure CLI command to create an Azure Resource Group. Update the parameters, such as name, location, and Azure Resource Group, to your specifications:
az group create --name watermarkfunctionRG --location centralus
Here’s the output of this command in JSON format:
Now, run the following command to create the Azure Storage Account:
az storage account create --name watermarkfunctionstoracc --resource-group watermarkfunctionRG --location centralus --sku Standard_LRS --kind StorageV2
The output in the terminal details all the properties of the storage account:
Navigate to the Azure Storage Account resource from the Azure Portal. From the Azure Storage Account blade, navigate to Containers and create two new containers named input and output:
From within the same blade, navigate to Access Keys. Unhide the connection string under the key 1 section, and copy the full connection string key inside—you’ll need it in the next step:
Return to the Azure Function project in Visual Studio Code and open the local.settings.json configuration file.
Update the template code to the following snippet, replacing the <YOUR_CONNECTION_STRING>
placeholders with the actual value of the connection string you copied earlier. The Functions program.cs calls the value for AzureWebJobsStorage
"IsEncrypted": false,
"Values": {
"AzureWebJobsStorage": "<YOUR_CONNECTION_STRING>",
"watermarkfunctionstoacc_STORAGE": <YOUR_CONNECTION_STRING>"
Note: In a real-world scenario, consider storing secret values like connection strings in a local secrets file or Azure Key Vault.
You’re now ready to validate and run the Function code locally. From within Visual Studio Code, press F5 (Windows/macOS) or Ctrl + F5 (Linux) or choose Run > Start Debugging from the top menu.
Wait for the build process to complete, followed by the Azure Function Runtime showing the running Function:
With the Function running, switch back to the Azure Portal and navigate to the Azure Storage Account resource. Open the detailed blade and click Storage Browser, then Blob Containers, then Input container:
Click Upload File(s) and upload an image file:
Next, switch back to the Visual Studio Code Terminal window for a confirmation that the Azure Function has successfully executed:
The first red-highlighted part acknowledges the Trigger Details
, confirming that the Blob Trigger was executed based on the BlobCreated
The second part confirms that the AddWatermarkToImage
Function was successfully processed. This involves uploading the image file, adding the watermark, and saving it to the image output folder.
You can validate the updated image file from the Azure Storage Account’s /output
blob container:
In the Overview window, first, select the image file. Then, click Download from the top menu to download the new image file from Blob storage to your local machine, or copy the URL path to a new browser tab to open the image file there:
Here’s the overview shown in context, with the image file open:
You’re now done validating and testing the Azure Function locally. The final step is to deploy the Function code to Azure Functions, which you can do using the Azure Functions extension for Visual Studio Code.
Inside Visual Studio Code, you’ll notice the Azure Functions extension in the side menu bar, represented by the Azure logo. Click the logo to access the Workspace (local) section:
Click the Azure Functions logo in the context menu to the right of the Workspace location (the first icon to the left). Then, select Create Function App in Azure.
The next step prompts you with three questions for creating the Azure Function.
First, enter a globally unique name for the new function app. For this demo, provide a unique name like “watermarkfunction.”
Next, select a runtime stack. For this example, choose .NET6 (LTS) Isolated.
Finally, select a location. Specify the same location as the Azure Storage account earlier.
Now, wait for the Azure Function Resource to be created. You can track the process from the AZURE:ACTIVITY LOG in the terminal window, as shown:
The Create Function App process is running, and the stage (x/6) is updating continuously. When the process is complete, a “succeeded” message is displayed.
Switch to the Azure Portal and navigate to the Azure Functions Resources section of the portal. You should see a new Azure Function listed there named “watermarkfunction”:
This screen confirms that the “watermarkfunction” resource has been created. Now, you’ll continue using the extension to publish the Azure Functions code.
Return to Visual Studio Code, where you’ll complete the process by deploying the Azure Function code to the Azure Function you’ve created.
Navigate to the Azure extension and click the Azure Functions context menu. Then, select Deploy to Function App…
Next, you need to confirm a series of prompts.
First, confirm “watermarkfunction” as the resource for the Azure Function code deployment
Then, confirm that you want to deploy watermarkfunction:
Here’s the terminal output of the deployment:
Wait for the deployment process to complete, and then close the terminal window.
Now, switch back to the Azure Portal and navigate to the Azure Functions resource you created earlier. There’s a minor change you need to make in the Functions Configuration > AzureWebJobsStorage application settings.
When you deployed your Azure Function from VS Code, a new Azure Storage Account was automatically created because the Functions runtime, triggers, and bindings depend on the WebJobs architecture. However, since you have an existing Azure Storage Account with the required containers, you must update the AzureWebJobsStorage Configuration parameter to the connection string of your pre-existing storage account. You can find this connection string in VSCode’s local.settings.json file or the Azure portal under your storage account settings.
The Azure Function is now ready for a final test. Navigate back to the Azure Storage Account and upload a new image (or several) into the /input blob container.
You’ll see that new image files with the watermark are now in the /output blob container.
Remember, Azure Functions operate on a serverless compute model, which means you don’t have the server back end to troubleshoot if needed. However, being serverless doesn’t mean you can’t monitor the service. When you use the Function App extension in Visual Studio Code and deploy the Azure Function itself, you can also deploy Azure Application Insights and other Azure monitoring features.
Here’s how to perform this step.
Navigate back to the Azure Function resource and select the function. Then, select Monitor on the left-hand side. For each file upload trigger, a Function execution is logged, as shown below:
Select an item from the list for detailed logs on the Function executions:
You’ve now completed the deployment and monitoring of your Azure function.
When you’re deploying applications into public cloud environments, it’s important to consider how cloud computing can aid your workload. For short, repetitive tasks, taking a serverless approach might be beneficial. Serverless architecture allows for performance optimization and better cost savings, as you typically only pay for the actual execution runtime of triggered serverless processes, such as Azure Functions.
Azure Functions offer countless use cases that you can explore, from using HTTP triggers to interact with REST API calls to Blob triggers for Azure Blob Storage events and more.
This tutorial introduced you to Azure Functions using the .NET Framework as the codebase. You used tools and practices that you’re already likely familiar with as a .NET developer, including Visual Studio Code, NuGet Packages, and Azure deployments.
Keep experimenting with other image-related tasks, such as resizing or creating thumbnails. Harnessing Azure Functions with the .NET Core can overhaul the responsiveness and efficiency of your applications.
To ensure your serverless infrastructure is healthy, performant, and can handle critical functions as efficiently as possible, try Site24x7. Our ability to monitor Azure Functions helps you track key Azure Functions metrics to boost application development and improve throughput.
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