Cloud | Middle East & Africa
Key Findings
Cloud computing deployment models #
Contrary to other regions, on-premises takes the top choice (48%) as the preferred deployment model for new applications.

Public cloud providers #
Keeping in line with the market trend, 65% of the respondents reported using AWS, followed by Microsoft Azure at 56%.

Cloud migration priorities #
Both ease of management (76%) and scalability (76%) took the top spot in cloud migration priorities.

Tech stacks #
A wide range of choices among the technologies. With public cloud topping the list, followed by virtualization software..

PaaS services #
67% of respondents reported they use database-related PaaS services, followed by storage (61%) and API related services (39%)

Cloud computing challenges #
50% of the respondents reported that security is still the primary challenge in cloud computing, closely followed by cost optimization (47%) and governance (44%).

Cloud cost management #
69% of respondents reported they set budgets and controls to lower costs.