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Exclude disk partitions from monitoring

Is it possible to exclude certain disk partitions from threshold monitoring?  On AWS EC2 instances I have multiple disks/partitions and two of those partitions e.g. /snap/core/5328 are always at 100% full. Becaues of this, they make my site show as being in "Trouble".  I would like to be able to exclude partitions automatically from monitoring by including something in the threshold profile to ignore any partition that starts with /snap (e.g. /snap/*).  

I think it is possible to do this manually, but that is not so helpful when servers are being added to an auto scaling group automatically.

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Thanks for bringing this up. Currently, Site24x7 Server Monitoring does not support to exclude monitoring for disks that gets added dynamically.

We have added this in our road map and will update this thread once the feature is ready.


Happy Monitoring!

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Is there any update on the progress of this as it's becoming a big problem for us. We are getting 100's of partition full alerts when AWS add dynamic disks, we previously turned this monitoring off but then missed a key alert when one of our disks filled up and corrupted some data.

It would be ideal if you could add a global filter or similar on disk names, e.g. exclude all disks with /snap in the mount path?



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You can now exclude certain disk partitions from monitoring using the Server Configuration Template. Please follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to Site24x7 and go to Admin > Server Monitor > Configuration Template > Add Configuration Template. If you already have a configuration template, click on the template configured.
  2. Under Exclude Disk Partitions from Monitoring, mention the RegEx pattern(s) to exclude specific disk partitions from monitoring. For example, to exclude all disk partitions starting with /snap, mention the RegEx as /snap.*
  3. Save the changes. On saving the template, disk partitions matching the RegEx /snap.* will be deleted for existing server monitors and the disk partitions will be excluded from monitoring for the new server monitors to be added.

Hope this helps. Please let us know for queries, if any, in the below thread.

Happy Monitoring!

*****[UPDATE] Configuration Template has been deprecated and moved to the feature Configuration Rules. Please read our help documentation to exclude disk partitions using rules. *****

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Thank you for this! Works just fine!

EDIT: It only seems to work. When I set the pattern, the warning go away for a while. But then it come back, ignoring the pattern.
By the hint text, it seems that applying a pattern will delete the matching disk monitors (thus "fixing" the issues), but after a while the monitors are back on. Probably because the agent is still sending data about the disks.

To me, this seems like a implementation bug. Could someone confirm?

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We have made changes to prevent the deleted disks from being added again, even if the agent sends data for the deleted disk(s). Please use the option Bulk Associate to Multiple Monitors and select the servers from which you want to exclude the mentioned disk partitions. This would ensure the disk partitions are completely excluded from monitoring.

Hope this helps. Let us know for further queries, if any.



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Hello, I need to do the same thing but the interface is different now. How do you accomplish this now?

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Yes, we deprecated configuration template and introduced Configuration Rules. In the Site24x7 web client, please go to AdminInventory > Configuration Rules. Click on Add Rule.

Read our help documentation to know how to set up exclusion of disk partitions from monitoring.

Also, please note that even if a disk partition is excluded from monitoring, they will be included when calculating the overall disk utilization value under the respective server monitor's Disks tab. To exclude these disk partitions from existing monitors, run the rule manually once.

Note: If you have been using configuration templates, ensure they are migrated successfully as configuration rules. Refer this section to know how to migrate to rules.


Hope this helps. Let us know for further queries, if any, in the below thread.




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